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Winter Enclosure Kit for Noble Welding Coops

Want to keep your coop protected and insulated in rainy or cold weather? Check out our plastic enclosure kits, which are guaranteed to keep your coop well-protected from rain and hungry predators. These coop covers come in various sizes so that you can find the perfect one for your particular mobile coop. 

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SKU: NWPEK Category: Tags: ,

Cleaner Living Conditions

A chicken coop cover like our plastic enclosure kit helps to keep the interior of the coop cleaner by preventing rainwater from entering and causing mud and puddles. This can reduce the risk of bacterial growth and disease transmission among the flock.

Weather Protection

A plastic enclosure kit blocks the interior from rain, snow, and intense sunlight, ensuring the coop stays dry and cozy for the chickens. This stability in temperature is vital for the birds’ overall health and happiness.

Predator Deterrence

A coop cover provides additional defense against predators like hawks, owls, and raccoons, thwarting their attempts to enter the coop and harm the chickens.

Choose Size

4×6, 5×10, 8×10, 10×12, 10×18, 9×8, 9×16, 9×24


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